WHOのDavid Nabarro博士がニュージーランドはスウェーデン方式に移行すべきと進言したのが世界中で話題になっているが、私は試す良いチャンスだと思う。高齢者を若者から完全に隔離し介護施設の管理も徹底させ若者を自由に行動させたら死者は多く出るのか? 成功すれば自然免疫が弱い欧米のモデルになる
— H.S. Kim (@xcvbnm67890) August 27, 2020
Dr David Nabarro, one of six special envoys to WHO on the virus, told The Ryan Bridge Drive Show on Magic Talk that New Zealand was strong from the beginning with its response and COVID-19 was taken seriously before there were a large number of cases.
But now Auckland has moved into a second lockdown - something he says WHO urges countries not to stay in for too long - steps need to be put in place so the virus can be lived with
"I've been saying for some time we need to get smarter about public health, we need to treat people from different countries differently depending on risk, we need to augment our public response with better technology in partnership with the private sector."
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