America’s top Marine says the US must shake up its military presence in the Pacific By: David B. Larter海兵隊司令官が、中国の脅威増大を背景に、朝鮮戦争後に形成された現在の米海兵隊の西太平洋地域での配置は良くなく見直しを行っていると述べ、韓国や日本駐留部隊を削減し分散配備すると語る。国防長官のパラオ初訪問もあり今後を注目→
— 東京の郊外より (@Mongoose2011) September 28, 2020
“Military modernization has resulted in the rapid transformation of the [People’s Liberation Army’s] missile force,” the report reads. "U.S. bases in Japan are in range of a growing number of Chinese [medium range ballistic missiles] and [land-attack cruise missiles].
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