


 Mr. Heinrich pointed to a letter he and other Senate Democrats wrote to the F.B.I. and Homeland Security Department about QAnon’s “spread of disinformation.” He asked Ms. Haines if she would commit to helping with that assessment. She said she would look for answers on how “foreign influence operations” were affecting QAnon.

“We’ve seen similar right-wing groups springing up across many European nations and some level of networking between what’s happening in Europe and what’s happening in this country,” Mr. Warner said.

Since the Jan. 6 siege, intelligence officials have seen Chinese, Iranian and Russian efforts to fan violent messaging, according to a joint threat assessment by federal law enforcement officials drafted last week.

On Friday, the Democratic and Republican leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee jointly asked the current director of national intelligence, John Ratcliffe, for information about any “efforts by foreign actors to disrupt the inauguration” as well as information on how the nation’s spy agencies were aiding law enforcement to warn of further unrest.

Intelligence agencies have tracked foreign powers seeking to amplify discussion and misinformation about the riot. That includes Russian efforts to push the false line that members of antifa were to blame for the attack, not right-wing extremists

普通に読めば、ロシア、中国、イランの影響および、欧州の右翼の米国の右翼の連携 について懸念している、と。

要するに、露、中国 イラン→米国の影響を懸念している。

で、日本のネトウヨも 露中国イラン→米国 経由の情報に翻弄されたのであって、日本のネトウヨが向こうに影響を与えているみたいな含意は一つもない。


Editor’s note (March 25, 2020): Since this story ran, scientists outside of China have had a chance to study the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They concluded it does not show signs of having been manufactured or purposefully manipulated in a lab, though the exact origin remains murky and experts debate whether it may have leaked from a Chinese lab that was studying it.


Business Insider

Boris Johnson's government has considered the possibility that the coronavirus may have accidentally leaked from a Chinese lab


Fact check: Was the new coronavirus accidentally released from a Wuhan lab? It’s doubtful.

May 1, 2020 at 10:50 am Updated May 1, 2

Adam Payne Apr 6, 2020, 



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