
politically homeless middle American radicals


‥ アレクシ・ド・トックヴィルは、米国では人間評価の基準が「能力」と「カネ」しかないし、それが裏打ちした米国における平等主義の単調さを指摘した。日本でも欧州でも、封建制の歳月を反映して、「能力」や「カネ」とは無関係に尊敬される人々はいるもの...

櫻田 淳さんの投稿 2021年1月25日月曜日

Radical centrism

From Wikipedia

In the 1970s, sociologist Donald I. Warren described the radical center as consisting of those "middle American radicals" who were suspicious of big government, the national media and academics, as well as rich people and predatory corporations. Although they might vote for Democrats or Republicans, or for populists like George Wallace, they felt politically homeless and were looking for leaders who would address their concerns.

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