


 Since the disgraceful Baby Gammy case last year, in which an Australian couple left a twin boy with his birth mother when it was discovered he had Down’s syndrome, Thailand has banned foreigners and same-sex couples from accessing surrogacy services.

 Women in the global south are often pimped by husbands and criminal gangs into renting their wombs to rich western couples.

Gestational surrogates are required to take Lupron, oestrogen and progesterone medication to help achieve the pregnancy, all of which treatments can have serious side effects.

While the gestational surrogates tend to be poor women disadvantaged in many ways, egg donors are often chosen (from catalogues) for their “strong genes” and lack of mental and physical ill health in their lineage. The process is not that far removed from eugenics.

The oft-cited Baby M case, in which a New Jersey woman who was a traditional surrogate for a couple in 1985 decided she wanted to keep the baby after giving birth, resulted in the decision of some states, including New York, to ban surrogacy. The New Jersey Supreme Court gave custody of the baby, referred to as “Baby M,” to the couple.

Disagreements can arise, for instance, if the intended family and the surrogate have differing opinions on what to do if the fetus develops Down syndrome or if the surrogate unintentionally becomes pregnant with triplets.

The letter, which was signed by 10 other medical experts, urged lawmakers to consider the health risks that surrogates might undertake, which they described as “above and beyond the risks of normal pregnancy and childbirth.”



2)優秀な血筋を残すために作為するという優生学 と同様な問題







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