本庶佑先生等の,インフルエンザを例にRNAウイルスのワクチンはたいして効くモノじゃない→ソリューションは治療薬という主張が1年前の有力説。想像を超えるスピードでSARS-CoV-2ワクチンは開発されたが結局それこそインフルエンザみたいに毎年予防注射を打ち続ける世界になるんだろうね。 https://t.co/dKdVwx0AS6
— Spica (@Kelangdbn) April 15, 2021
"This coronavirus is going to be here to stay," explained Dr. John Brownstein, chief innovation officer at Boston Children's Hospital and an ABC News contributor. "Eradication of this new coronavirus is basically impossible."
But even if the virus sticks around, new vaccines and new drugs to fight the virus mean it's unlikely to cause severe illness in the future. Offit predicts "that eventually, it will cause fewer deaths than influenza."
It is possible, experts say, that COVID-19 could become a seasonal illness, like the flu.
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