
There are higher truths that we live and die for

性被害受けたトランスジェンダー 誹謗中傷、許さない 



The soft attitude toward rape in Muslim countries is based on the premise that a man who raped a woman was secretly seduced (provoked) by her into doing it.

In contrast to this presumption of the complete lack of male responsibility for their own sexual conduct, the emphasis on public female eroticism in the West relies on the premise that men are capable of sexual restraint, that they are not blind slaves to their sexual drives.

Why did it take such a long time, till the rise of #MeToo movement, to get it was a sexual assault? “My limited understanding of consent and sexual violence at that time, and my overall sexual inexperience, meant I believed I was to blame for what had happened,






So what would or could be really repressed and traumatic here? The most obvious answer is: the exact opposite, i.e., the true trauma was that the woman secretly enjoyed being mistreated, and was absolutely not ready to admit it. 

 実は 虐待されてことに密かに快感を感じていたのだが、それを認めることができなかった、ということであり、それこそが、真実のトラウマなのだ、と。(しかし、だからといって、男性の虐待が正当化されるわけではない。強姦幻想がある女性ほど実際に強姦されるとよけいに恥辱的に感じるものだからだ、と。)

 Men should not be portrayed as brutal oppressors but as weak beings whose macho exterior covers up their frailty and impotence.


 A strong man is the only true feminist – he doesn’t need to oppress women in order to assert himself.



the woman secretly enjoyed being mistreated,




Slavoj Zizek: The real reason why the Taliban has retaken Afghanistan so quickly, which Western liberal media avoids mentioning

Slavoj Zizek

アフガン奪還をタリバンがこれだけ素早くできた理由 ・・・同じくジジェク

A more complex and realistic explanation as to why the Taliban managed to retake the country so promptly is chaos caused by the ongoing war and corruption. That could have caused a belief that even if the Taliban regime would bring oppression and impose Sharia Law, it would at least guarantee some safety and order.


However, all these explanations seem to avoid a basic fact that is traumatic for the liberal Western view. That is the Taliban’s disregard for survival and the readiness of its fighters to assume “martyrdom,” to die not just in a battle but even in suicidal acts. The explanation that Taliban as fundamentalists “really believe” that they will enter paradise if they die as martyrs is not enough as it fails to capture the difference between belief in the sense of intellectual insight (“I know I will go to heaven, it’s a fact”) and belief as an engaged subjective position. 

In other words, it fails to take into account the material power of an ideology – in this case, the power of faith – which is not simply grounded in the strength of our conviction but in how we are existentially committed to our belief: we are not subjects choosing this or that belief, but we “are” our belief in the sense of this belief impregnating our life. 

 It was due to this feature that French philosopher Michel Foucault was so fascinated by the 1978 Islamic Revolution that he twice visited Iran.


 フーコーとか持ち出しているが、キルケゴールの主観的真実 みたいなかんじかね?

Kierkegaard on Truth

There are higher truths that we live and die for

According to Kierkegaard, subjective truth is characterized by objective uncertainty and passionate inwardness.





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