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Here's what scientists say the next six months of the pandemic will bring. If you're hoping for a light at the end of the tunnel, they've got some bad news.
— Bloomberg (@business) September 26, 2021
The next few months will be rough.
History shows the commonly held belief that viruses automatically get milder over time — to avoid completely wiping out their host population — is wrong, according to Simonsen.
ここが見解の異なるところ・・・、宿主がウイルスで殺られると、宿主がいなくなり自分たちも存在できなくなるから、ウイルスというのは弱毒化して生き延びようとするのだ、 というのが楽観説。だから、来春には落ち着くんじゃないか、と。しかし、この記事だと、その考えは間違っている、と。パンデミックの最中に、より強毒化することもあるんだ、と・・・・これもありえなくはない。事実、デルタ株は強毒化したわけだから。
What seems clear is that the pandemic will not be over in six months. Experts generally agree that the current outbreak will be tamed once most people — perhaps 90% to 95% of the global population — have a degree of immunity thanks to immunization or previous infection.
The key element should be vaccination, they say.
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