直接会ってお礼を言うのが最善とは限らない ベストな感謝の伝え方https://t.co/n8xxKBaYI4 感謝の気持ちを伝えた人の幸福感・相手が感じる喜びは「直接会う」「ビデオ通話」「メール」で大差ない。正しい感謝方法に思い悩む必要はなく簡単なお礼でもとにかくお礼を言うことが双方にとって有益
— Spica (@Kelangdbn) September 23, 2021
What Is the Best Way to Deliver a Thank-You?
We know from past research that actually expressing our thanks to others—as opposed to just taking note of what we’re grateful for—has extra benefits. In one study, for example, people in a three-week gratitude program reported lower levels of depression and a greater decrease in negative emotions if they had been asked to express their gratitude to others.
Finally, I think it’s important to think outside of the box when it comes to gratitude. Mother Theresa talked about how grateful she was to the people she was helping, the sick and dying in the slums of Calcutta, because they enabled her to grow and deepen her spirituality. That’s a very different way of thinking about gratitude—gratitude for what we can give as opposed to what we receive.
ーーー 昔読んだ禅寺で修行したキリスト教信者の話を思い出す。禅寺の先輩の修行僧が自分を叩くので叩かれるままじっと我慢していた、と。で、修行僧はじっとしているのはおかしい、教えてやるから自分を叩け、と。そこで、叩くと、平伏して「ありがとうございます」と・・・・感服した、みたいな話があったな、そういえば。
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