The Covid-19 recession is the strangest recession in living memory
— Atif Mian (@AtifRMian) January 4, 2021
For starters, it is the most unequal recession - like the virus, decimating some and untouching others.
(特に、古代ローマで処罰として)10 人ごとに 1 人殺す、(…の)多くの人を殺す
Definition of decimate
1: to select by lot and kill every tenth man of
2: to exact a tax of 10 percent from
3a: to reduce drastically especially in number
b: to cause great destruction or harm to
an industry decimated by recession
政治家や上級国民記者、富裕層評論家 が追加給付を叫ばないのは、あんまり影響ないのかもしれんな。貧困層だけ大打撃
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