


mozuさんがリツイート David Goodhart, Up from the Cognitive Meritocracy Jorge González-Gallarza Hernández December 6, 2020
Grounded as it is in a natural bias toward attainment over inherited status, meritocracy itself seems to have outlived its natural luster. In a spate of recent titles, writers — Michael Sandel in The Tyranny of Merit (2020) and Daniel Markovits in The Meritocracy Trap (2019), foremost among them — have decried the overreach of meritocracy, from being a mere device for staffing the civil service to what sometimes looks like a full-fledged hierarchy, one that ends up shaping our notions of virtue and human worth.
以前MOZUさんが取り上げていたサンデルと同系統かな? 2020年9月8日火曜日 Fair competition does not constitute a just vision of society.
Sandel has two fundamental objections to this approach. First, and most obvious, the fabled “level playing field” remains a chimera. Although he says more and more of his own Harvard students are now convinced that their success is a result of their own effort, two-thirds of them come from the top fifth of the income scale. It is a pattern replicated across the Ivy League universities. The relationship between social class and SAT scores – which grade high school students ahead of college – is well attested. More generally, he notes, social mobility has been stalled for decades. “Americans born to poor parents tend to stay poor as adults.”

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