


A Closer Look at the ‘QAnon Shaman’ Leading the Mob Conspirituality — in which New Age wellness meets conspiracy culture — helped stoke the riot on Capitol Hill
Conspirituality refers to the overlap between New Age/wellness culture and conspiracy culture. I wrote about it last April, and in August I wrote a piece called “Nazi Hippies” about the overlap between New Age spirituality and far-right theories like QAnon.

Conspiracy theories and the cosmic battle between us and them
Finally, Hitler and his fellow Nazis sold the German people a simplistic supernatural fantasy and conspiracy theory, in which all their problems were caused by a hidden global elite of monsters/vampires/demons — that is, the Jews — but the magical light-warriors of the Nazi party would defeat them in a cosmic battle, ushering in a golden age of peace and love. 

Doesn’t this sound like QAnon to you? All our problems are caused by a hidden Satanic elite — not a race, this time, but a secret cabal made up of demonic liberals from Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the deep state. In the darkness, they perform their monstrous blood rituals on children. But Trump, Q, and a few other heroes will defeat these monsters, liberate enslaved humanity, and usher in a glorious age of peace and love. But for that to happen, democracy must be suspended and there must be awful bloodshed and retribution. 

背景に 陰謀論ースピリチュアル系ー極右 でつながるわけだねえ。


善/光/Qanon・トランプ v.s. 悪/闇/リベラル・Deep state


JAnonと幸福の科学 法輪功 統一教会の繋がりはどうなっているんだろうね?


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