
We’re going to fight like hell.”


Why Trump could face criminal charges for inciting violence and insurrection

 Trump, who has a history of using veiled and not-so-veiled threats of violence to intimidate opponents, urged his followers to go to the Jan. 6 rally and promised them that the rally “will be wild.” He told a crowd in Georgia, Theyre not taking this White House. Were going to fight like hell.” The term “Storm the Capitol” was repeated 100,000 times on social media in December and early January.

The Jan. 6 rally, under the working theory, represented Trump’s last chance to overturn the election before Biden’s inauguration. At the rally, Rudolph Giuliani told the assembled crowd, which included white nationalists, QAnon adherents and rightwing militia members, “Lets have trial by combat.” Donald Trump, Jr., said of Republicans who were not supporting his father, “were coming for you and were going to have a good time doing it.” 

In his one-hour address, Trump suggested that Vice President Mike Pence might be in danger if he didn’t block the Electoral College confirmation (“What takes courage is to do nothing”). He repeated incendiary lies that the election had been stolen and told the crowd that you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength.” While Trump said once in passing that the crowd should be peaceful, he used the words fight or fighting 20 times (“If we don’t fight like Hell, we are not going to have a country anymore.”) and told the crowd that “very different rules” now applied. 

fight like hell

To use all of one's power or effort to fight against something.

I'm planning to fight like hell against this illness, so I'm researching both Western and Eastern methods of treatment.



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