

Decoupling denied: Japan Inc. lays its bets on China

US-China trade rift creates havoc and opportunity for Asia's economic giants
MITSURU OBE, Nikkei staff writerFEBRUARY 10, 2021 06:00 JST

Facing a rapidly decoupling world, Murata and most of Japan Inc. is sticking with the Chinese market, an outcome that runs counter to the advice from the Japanese government, which has been urging Japanese companies to diversify away from China.

"Japanese companies need to be aware that the Chinese market could disappear once tensions flare over the Senkaku Islands," the METI official said.

"China was extremely lucky that until recently it was able to export anything it wanted to the U.S. without worrying about political consequences," Homma said. "Japan has been involved in trade disputes with the U.S. for 50 years."

中国とのデカップリングについては官民一体、政治と経済がよく連絡を取り合って 慎重にやらんとまずいね。

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