
"Credentialism is the last acceptable prejudice."



Disdain for the Less Educated Is the Last Acceptable Prejudice

It’s having a corrosive effect on American life — and hurting the Democratic Party.

By Michael J. Sandel

If you did not go to college, and if you are not flourishing in the new economy, your failure must be your own fault.

The credentialist prejudice is a symptom of meritocratic hubris. By 2016, many working people chafed at the sense that well-schooled elites looked down on them with condescension. This complaint was not without warrant. Survey research bears out what many working-class voters intuit: At a time when racism and sexism are out of favor (discredited though not eliminated), credentialism is the last acceptable prejudice.


The researchers surveyed attitudes toward a range of people who are typically victims of discrimination. In Europe, this list included Muslims and people who are poor, obese, blind, and less educated; in the United States, the list also included African-Americans and the working class. Of all these groups, the poorly educated were disliked most of all.

One consequence of the diploma divide is that very few members of the working class ever make it to elective office

But history suggests little correlation between the capacity for political judgment and the ability to win admission to elite universities. The notion that “the best and the brightest” are better at governing than their less-credentialed fellow citizens is a myth born of meritocratic hubris.

We should focus less on arming people for a meritocratic race and more on making life better for those who lack a diploma but who make important contributions to our society — through the work they do, the families they raise and the communities they serve

Is it my doing that I have the talents that society happens to prize — or is it my good luck?

Appreciating the role of luck in life can prompt a certain humility: There, but for an accident of birth, or the grace of God, or the mystery of fate, go I


 世間さまが評価してくれる自分の能力ってのは、一体、自分の努力の末なのか、それとも、ちょっと運がよかっただけなのか? 生まれた家庭環境が偶然よかったのか、あるいは、時たま恵まれていたとか・・・人生において運が果たす役割が大きいと理解すれば、尊大な気持ちから解脱できるのではないか、と。

---bullshit jobs クソどうでもいい職業が高給取れて、汗水流している社会に貢献している介護士さんや保育士が低級というのはいかにもおかしい。






Fair competition does not constitute a just vision of society.

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