
Rape myth 強姦の加害者に都合のいいデタラメの思い込み

 Nordic nations have ‘disturbingly high’ levels of rape despite being gender equality trailblazers, says Amnesty

Wednesday 03 April 2019 1

In Finland, around 50,000 women each year experience sexual violence but there were only 209 convictions for rape in 2017. In the same year, 24,000 women were victims of rape or attempted rape in Denmark, but only 94 people were convicted.

Social stigma and a lack of trust in the justice system often mean that women and girls fail to report attacks, and those that do, are frequently failed by callous and prejudiced justice systems or outdated laws, she said.

“One survivor told us she would never have reported her rape if she had known how she would have been be treated, and her story is typical in justice systems which are stacked against rape survivors," she added.

The report entitled Time for change: Justice for rape survivors in the Nordic countries, found gender stereotypes and rape myths underpin attitudes of many people in the justice system in Norway.

 Women in Nordic nations deal with high levels of rape and abuse even as the countries lead in gender equality

Julia Naftulin Apr 17, 2019,

This was the case for Kirstine Holst, a Danish journalist and rape victim who shared her experience as part of the Amnesty International report. A friend raped her when she was staying at his home, and when she tried to report the case, the rapist was ultimately acquitted.

"The first [investigator] said they didn't have time [to take my report] and the next guy said he had to let me know that cases where you knew the perpetrator like mine rarely end up going to court. He tried to talk me out of it," Holst told INSIDER.

When the cases do make it it to court, women are often blamed for what happened to them. "It's like in the US where police are concerned about how the men or boys will have to deal with it, not the victims," Holst said. "Victims have to drop out of school, lose their jobs because of psychological consequences, get PTSD even."

たしかに強姦の有罪率は低いみたいだね。北欧の強姦率の高さについては、Rape mythー 強制性交にまつわる根拠のない(社会的)思い込み、とでも言おうかーこれが問題である、とも指摘されている

Rape Myths and Facts

→少ない 50-90%は通報しない。

こうした問題が北欧の国々”にも”ーー日本にもーーあるが、スエーデンの場合 レイプを図るものさしが違うので比較は難しいのでは、という意見もある。

 Difficult to compare rape statistics in European countries

September 30, 2020

Sweden would end up somewhere in the middle of the European statistics on reported rapes – if we had had similar legislation and statistical approach as Germany, for example. Sweden also does not stand out in a European crime survey on the proportion of women stating that they have ever been the victim of rape.




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