
Tankie Man

Tankie Man: The Pro-Democracy Hong Kongers Standing Up to Western Communists

The tankie phenomenon pits Western self-identified communists against those struggling against China’s human rights abuses.

By Sebastian Skov Andersen and Thomas Chan
March 29, 2021

“It is obvious that China is an alternative, better, and more efficient system; yet it does not attempt to export its model and forcibly convert other countries into socialism, the way the West does with its capitalism through imperialism,” he added. “The people’s democratic dictatorship in China has steered their economy extremely well, using markets for the people’s benefits — not the capitalists.”

 94% of the population of China lives on less than $30 per day

Gini coefficient


「タンキー」って要するに中国のナショナリストか、五毛党 50 Cent Party みたいなもんとちゃうのかね?

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