



Hobbes' And Locke's Human Nature and Government Evaluates the philosphies of Hobbes and Locke outlining the state of nature, natural laws, the social contract theory and government. 

 Hobbes notes that even in the state of nature there are natural laws. These natural laws are the principles by which any rational individual are bound. Hobbes lists many natural laws, but also states that within the state of nature, everyone has the right to everything. Yet, to Hobbes it is rational for those within the state of nature to yield their absolute freedom in exchange for the promise of the security offered through a social contract
The social contract theory is the concept by which individuals, by nature free and equal, voluntarily choose to surrender part of their natural liberty by entering into civil society, which constitutes political authority. 


Locke?s primary motivation for individuals leaving the state of nature, and entering into civil society is the need for protection, the protection of life, liberty and property. Although in the state of nature everyone has the right to punish those who break the laws of nature, self interest my cloud their ability to judge their neighbours fairly. The only guarantee to end this and to create peace is to enter into organised society. It is mutually agreed upon that individuals will surrender a degree of their natural freedom in order to gain a higher level of safety. 





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