
要警戒 米 コロナで入院する子どもたちが増えている、と。

高橋 浩祐(たかはし こうすけ)Takahashi Kosukeさんがリツイート  

 The vast majority of cases don't end up in the hospital. Generally, the cumulative hospitalization rate for children with Covid-19 has remained steady at around 1% since December, according to the AAP, meaning hospitalization is still uncommon compared to the number of adults who have been hospitalized.

Justin Senior, the CEO of Safety Net Hospital Alliance of Florida, which represents several children's hospitals in Florida, said they are seeing about a 1 to 2% overall hospitalization among pediatric patients and that's been pretty consistent throughout the pandemic.

Dr. Amy Edwards, an infectious disease specialist at UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital in Cleveland, said it's clear from the data that Covid-19 is now sending more children to the hospital.
What's unclear, she said, is whether that's because more kids are catching the virus, or the virus is somehow making the kids who do catch it more ill than before, requiring treatment at a hospital.



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