— うまみゃん/辰巳JUNK (@TTMJUNK) August 6, 2021
/ Tokyo Covered Up Arrival of Deadly New COVID Variant Just Before the Olympics https://t.co/1k5RGEono8
国内初 ペルーで確認「ラムダ株」羽田空港検疫 感染確認の女性
新型コロナ 南米で拡大しているラムダ型変異ウイルス 現時点で分かっていることは?
TOKYO—Three days before the Olympics began, on July 20, Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) reported to an international organization that the highly infectious Lambda variant had been detected in an airport test in Japan for the first time, but did not announce it widely to the public.国際機関には報告していたわけね。
The source said there was a plan to announce the variant’s detection but not until after the Olympics.The NIID employee said new variant discoveries have previously been announced within three days, if they are well-known variants, but it can take up to 11 days.
Jake Adelsteinのこの手の書き方に慣れていない人がまだいるのか?
An American reporter takes on the yakuza.
To this day, nobody at the paper will speak on the record about him; some reporters told me that he was a liar, while others said that the Yomiuri had been frustrated by his obsession.
情報が誤っています。7/20にペルー帰国者の感染が見つかった事実は、7/21に厚労省HPで公表済であり、その時どの変異株かは未特定です。「五輪中に公表できたのでは?」の論点は要検証ですが「3日前に発見又はGISAIDに登録された」は誤りです。随分拡散されておりますが、訂正してはどうですか。 https://t.co/8xe4m25n0y
— おもち(Omochi)🍡@退院 (@ex_kanryo_mochi) August 10, 2021
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