
”Please don’t come close to me!” Who is threatening?

  Central Park Karen still claims she had good reason to call police on Black birdwatcher


Ms Cooper continued: “I’m thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, is this guy like going to like lure my dog over and try to like hit him with this bike helmet?'”

The bird watcher, Mr Cooper, did not attack Ms Cooper or her dog, but started videoing the encounter when she refused to put her dog on a leash.

The Central Park birdwatching incident was a confrontation on May 25, 2020, between Amy Cooper, a white woman walking her dog, and Christian Cooper (no relation), a black birdwatcher, in a section of New York City's Central Park known as the Ramble. Amy Cooper's dog was unleashed in the Ramble, an area where leashing is required; she allegedly refused Christian Cooper's request that her dog be leashed. When Christian beckoned the dog toward him with a dog treat, Amy yelled "Don't you touch my dog!" Christian started recording Amy, who placed a call to 9-1-1; by the time New York City Police Department officers responded, both parties had left.


  Christian Cooper From Wikipedia


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