
Uncle Sam is mad that Daniel Hale exposed internal U.S. Military data showing up to 90% of people killed in drone strikes are civilians



 These documents revealed the truth about the U.S. government’s secretive, murderous drone war, including that the killing of civilians was far more widespread than previously acknowledged.

She added: “Hale was also charged with disclosing a secret rule book detailing the parallel judicial system for watchlisting people and categorizing them as known or suspected terrorists without needing to prove they did anything wrong. Under these rules, people, including U.S. citizens, can be barred from flying or detained in airports and at borders while being denied the ability to challenge government declarations about them.

President Barack Obama weaponized the anti-spying law as a tool to hammer government employees who were sources for national security stories, particularly those that were unflattering for the government. 

Famed NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden tweeted, “[Hale’s] crime was telling this truth: 90% of those killed by US drones are bystanders, not the intended targets. He should have been given a medal.”




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