
”In our world, if you spoke self-importantly, people told you to shut the fuck up. ”


What Oxford taught me about posh people The dreaming spires hide a vicious sense of entitlement BY JAMES REBANKS
All my friends got labouring jobs at the ages of fifteen or sixteen. To us, students were the middle-class kids who didn’t work, then left to go to “uni.” They never really came back, or if they did, they returned just to boss us around. Our home, for them, was something shitty to escape from. In their world, everyone babbled endlessly as if everything they had to say was fascinating. In our world, if you spoke self-importantly, people told you to shut the fuck up. They thought nothing of us; we thought nothing of them.


 一方でご自慢ショーたらたらー Humblebraggingも含めてーグループがあって、もう一方のグループでは偉そうなこと言うとケチョンケチョンにやられる。おれは主に後者のグループで育った。

 A lot of people treat you different when they think you are an Oxford graduate than when they think you are a farm labourer. They talk to you differently. 



 Snobs and the powerful fetishise ‘academic’ credentials


The point of this story is that a society that is blind to the potential of so many of its young people, is a wasteful, unfair and ineffective society. 


  They are often now little more than training camps for the stormtroopers of capitalism

大学は資本主義の ストームトルーパー(アメリカのSF映画『スター・ウォーズ』シリーズに登場する銀河帝国軍の機動歩兵)養成所みたいなっている、と、


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