
”There can be no “free market” without government”

 株価が下がったのが岸田政権のせいなのか、それはわからないが・・・・ライシュなんかによると、岸田さんの誤解もあるな・・・ とは思うな。

Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few

英語版 | Robert B. Reich

The problem is not the size of government but whom the government is for.

There can be no “free market” without government.

Government doesn’t “intrude” on the “free market.” It creates the market.

As the economic historian Karl Polanyi recognized, those who argue for “less government” are really arguing for a different government—often one that favors them or their patrons.
“Deregulation” of the financial sector in the United States in the 1980s and 1990s, for example, could more appropriately be described as “reregulation.” It did not mean less government. It meant a different set of rules, initially allowing Wall Street to speculate on a wide assortment of risky but lucrative bets and permitting banks to push mortgages onto people who couldn’t afford them.

In order to have a “free market,” decisions must be made about
 • PROPERTY: what can be owned 
• MONOPOLY: what degree of market power is permissible
• CONTRACT: what can be bought and sold, and on what terms 
• BANKRUPTCY: what happens when purchasers can’t pay up 
• ENFORCEMENT: how to make sure no one cheats on any of these rules






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