起こっていません。日本だけで拡散されているデマです。医療の外で検査して陽性・陰性になっても繰り返し検査する必要や、まだ通常の肺炎への対処法以外の治療法がないことがアナウンスされるなど、大規模検査以外にも情報開示が進み、行政不信で右往左往している日本に比べれば遙かに冷静な雰囲気です https://t.co/MG7AypQpLD
— 宮台真司 (@miyadai) March 15, 2020
Is Seoul Ready to Deal with a Major Outbreak?
March 12, 2020 13:04
Since the onset of the outbreak there, Daegu suffered from a shortage of hospital beds, medical equipment and staff. Patients started to die in their own homes as they waited for hospital beds to become available, while more than 1,000 people remain under self-quarantine in their homes there. The Seoul metropolitan region has a lot of hospitals, but many of them are already filled. Is the capital capable of handling a surge in patients?
Most of the call center staff who tested positive apparently commute to work from homes in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi Province. They mostly used two nearby subway stations that are visited by more than 100,000 people every day, and the infections could have spread widely during the almost two weeks that the call center employees commuted since the first three started showing symptoms
ソウルのコロナ感染者計244人 コールセンター関連は変わらず74人
記事一覧 2020.03.14
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