

We know that this is not like seasonal flu (with a death rate of 0.1%), but that Covid-19 results in around 5-10% of confirmed cases requiring intensive care and a death rate estimated at up to 2-3%.
This is worrying and possibly reckless. It is impossible to keep separate the 80% who would largely be fine after contracting the virus from the 20% who would suffer severely. Especially if there is no testing taking place, we will not know exactly who has had the virus and when, and we still don’t know yet whether individuals can be re-infected once they have recovered.

対策しない場合…「高齢者の0.63%重症化」 医療研究開発機構推計 新型コロナ
3/10(火) 17:33配信毎日新聞


そりゃ分母がちがうわけだからね。ガーディアンの記事の方の分母は、confirmed cases 感染が確認された事例でしょ。日本の方は、全人口。

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