心気症(しんきしょう、英: hypochondriasis)とは、身体の徴候や症状の誤った解釈のため、病気にかかるあるいはかかっているとの思い込みが6か月以上持続しており、それが著しい苦痛や機能の障害を呈している精神障害である
ハイポコンドライアシス うーーん、難しい発音だなあ。
The more I read about pandemics, the more I realised that pandemics were essentially psychological phenomena. Pandemics were not simply about some virus infecting people. Pandemics were caused and contained by the way that people behaved. Pandemics are controlled only when people agree to do particular things, like covering their coughs, washing their hands, complying with social distancing, and getting vaccinated,
The more I researched the psychology of pandemics, the more I realised that psychology is important in how a society reacts to pandemics. In previous pandemics there was racism, panic-buying, the rush of the “worried well” crowding into hospitals, and people becoming distressed about self-isolation and other forms of social distancing. It became apparent that psychology was extremely important in understanding how people cope or react to the threat of pandemic infection. And indeed we have seen all of these things in the current Covid-19 pandemic
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