


 Israel fully opened all classrooms on May 17, trusting that the country’s low infection rates meant that students could have an in-person completion of their school year. Israeli schools traditionally finish at the end of June.

But by the beginning of June, Israel – which is about the size of New Jersey – saw outbreaks occur in over 50 schools, despite attempts to maintain social distancing and minimize mixing between students in various classes and grades. These attempts proved ineffective, though, as it was impossible to hermetically seal classrooms from each other.

After their experience with school outbreaks, Israel didn’t need to wait for this week’s major study coming out of South Korea to learn that kids aged 10 to 19 spread the virus just as easily and efficiently as adults – perhaps even more so.

Unfortunately, Israel’s experience has shown that this particular age group is also the least likely to obey directives to wear masks and socially distance. In fact, younger children are far more compliant.

sraeli teachers quickly threw up their hands when it came to the task of policing students to wear masks and socially distance. And since most teachers didn’t do it themselves, as it was difficult to conduct classes while masked, they served as poor role models.

After Israel decided to return to full classrooms, crowded with 30 to 40 students, proper distancing was deemed impossible. 

The new South Korean study backed up other research, which determined children that under 10 were far less likely to infect others with the virus than their older siblings.

イスラエルの場合、学校再開して、学校→家庭 → 感染爆発、と。




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