ニュートン力学から導く生産性の法則 https://t.co/UMUCKcb70U 慣性の法則より一旦タスクを始めればそのまま続くもの。何らかの行動開始2分ルールを設置。F=maより努力するだけでなくその方向を意識。作用反作用の法則より生産的力と非生産的力の均衡を常に意識。前者増だけでなく後者減でも生産性up
— Spica (@Kelangdbn) September 8, 2020
Here are some examples… Right now, you may not feel like going for a run. But if you put your running shoes on and fill up your water bottle that small start might be enough to get you out the door.
Right now, you might be staring at a blank screen and struggling to write your report. But if you write random sentences for just two minutes, then you may find that useful sentences start to roll off your fingers.
Right now, you might have a creative block and be struggling to draw something. But if you draw a random line on a sheet of paper and turn it into a dog, then you might get your creative juices flowing.
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