


Dr. Robert Kim-Farley, medical epidemiologist and infectious diseases expert with the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, said Saturday that he expects cases to mount over the next two weeks as people exposed to the virus over Christmas and New Year’s fall ill and get tested. This would be similar to the trends from Thanksgiving.



It will only be when 70% to 85% of the population has received the vaccine, which Kim-Farley estimates will occur by early summer, that “true herd immunity will begin to be reflected in a more rapid drop in the numbers of new cases in the population,” Kim-Farley said. “By late summer or early fall, we should be able to get back to a semblance of our life in the pre-COVID era with greatly reduced restrictions on our activities, businesses and schools.”

ワクチンが行き渡って晩夏ないし 初秋でようやく元の生活にもどるんじゃないか、というんだが、ワクチン接種が遅れている日本だともっと後というわけで・・・・オリンピックは無理だろう。



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