


アメリカ 3回目接種 9月下旬から 2回目接種から8カ月経過の人に FNNプライムオンライン2021年8月19日
U.S. plans to begin administering COVID-19 booster shots in September - source Local health leaders prepare for booster shot approval The CDC recommended Wednesday that all Americans who received a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine receive a booster shot 8-months after their second shot.
Nielsen advised getting a third dose eight months after your second dose or even a few days or weeks beyond it. Getting it sooner she said may not lead to the desired immune response.


"Dr. Fauci presented that your antibodies are going to go up at least 10 fold when you get the booster. We have plenty of vaccine and hopefully, it won't be a frantic race to get it and we're going to stay protected," she said.

 Dr. Fauci Says This is Why You Need a Booster Shot

Alek Korab

Thu, August 19, 2




ワクチン3回で2回より発症86%減 ファイザー製調査

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