


ゼロコロナ」政策の孤立化 2021/8/19 

  China’s zero Covid-19 approach sparks debate about long-term impact on economy While China’s borders remain closed, its strong economic recovery and booming exports have, for many observers, boosted confidence in Beijing’s handling of the pandemic But debate is simmering about the economic impact of China’s containment strategy, with some observers suggesting isolation and lockdowns are unsustainable long term Cissy Zhou Cissy Zhou + FOLLOW Published: 6:00am, 13 Aug,
Prominent economist Yu Yongding, a former adviser to China’s central bank, said the zero tolerance approach is still appropriate, but the country will face “a lot of difficulties” and the impact on the economy will be “huge”. “The current cost is bearable and we can still persevere, while using this opportunity to boost the vaccination rate and improve the quality of the vaccine. It is a matter of buying time,” he said.
China’s COVID-19 strategy risks leaving it isolated for yearsSHAREAug 9, 2021
In the short term, Chinese leaders have an incentive to maintain strict controls at least through next year: They don’t want any major outbreaks derailing the Winter Olympics or clouding a once-in-five-year Party Congress at which President Xi Jinping is expected to get a third term in office. The problem, however, is the rising economic and political costs in maintaining that policy indefinitely, particularly as the virus spawns new variants that can breach restrictions more easily.


“China will have to pivot from its containment strategy, sooner or later — you can stay Covid Zero for a while, but you can’t stay Covid Zero forever, because the virus swoops in before you know it,” said Chen Zhengming, an epidemiology professor at the University of Oxford. “My worry is that they won’t actively pursue a tactic change as Covid Zero has become an entrenched mentality. Especially when you hold officials accountable, no one dares to go easy on the outbreak.”

 China: How Delta threatens a prized zero Covid strategy

By Tessa Wong

BBC News

Published6 August

It may not be easy to switch to what experts call a mitigation strategy, which focuses on reducing deaths rather than cases.

But a long-term zero Covid strategy also has its risks.

Mass lockdowns affect poorer people much more than others, and also affect a population's mental health over the long run, pointed out Nancy Jecker, a professor of bioethics at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

ゼロコロナ 短期的には可能だが、長期的に経済的負担も大きく、特に貧困層にはきつく、また、精神健康面でももたないんじゃないか、という記事 

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