



 The Delta variant is highly transmissible, estimated to be about 60% more transmissible than the Alpha variant, and the CDC has suggested its basic reproduction rate (R0; ie, the estimated number of secondary cases of infections that are transmitted from an infected person to a susceptible population) is somewhere between 5 and 8

 While many unknowns remain, what is abundantly clear is the only way to contain and eventually end the coronavirus pandemic is for more people to get vaccinated.

With an R0 of 6, it will be extremely difficult to slow the spread of the Delta variant because the herd immunity threshold (ie, the proportion of persons who would need to be fully vaccinated, infected, or both, to interrupt endemic transmission) would need to be greater than 85%.8 However, even this level of vaccination may not be enough in many situations. For example, in Iceland, nearly all the eligible population is vaccinated; 96% of females and 90% of males 16 years and older have received at least 1 dose of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, making it one of the most highly vaccinated populations in the world. However, even in Iceland there has been an increase in COVID-19 cases because of the Delta variant. But despite the increase in cases there has not been an increase in COVID-19–related deaths, and vaccinated individuals who become infected generally have recovered without serious illness.9 These data suggest that even if herd immunity is not achieved for COVID-19 (given the Delta variant), high levels of vaccination will help prevent hospitalizations and deaths as SARS-CoV-2 moves toward endemicity.

Vaccines are the only way forward that will preserve the health care infrastructure and the economy, and eventually contain the pandemic. 







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