

 “If someone could come up with a vaccine that was not only 95 per cent protective against severe disease but 95 per cent protective against infection then, yes, we would stand a chance of eradicating it.”



With an R0 of six, delta will be extremely difficult to slow down unless populations reach high levels of vaccination, Wenseleers says. And even then surges in cases will still occur, as is now happening in Iceland and parts of the U.S. The vaccine is less than 90% effective at stopping infections with delta, meaning up to 1 in 10 people will have breakthrough infections. And vaccinated people can still spread the virus. In addition, people who aren't vaccinated have a very high risk of infection, Wenseleers says. "Anyone that chooses not to get vaccinated will in all likelihood get infected by the delta variant over the coming months."

For example, in San Francisco, daily case levels are rapidly rising toward those seen last winter despite the fact that more than 70% of the population is vaccinated, per San Francisco Department of Public Health reports.

Although cases of delta are inevitable, hospitalizations aren't, Wenseleers points out. "As long as people would get vaccinated, then we will not get huge wave of hospitalizations." For example, the city of San Francisco has had 3,041 people hospitalized with COVID-19 since March 18, 2020. Only 16 of them were fully vaccinated.

 ワクチンが90%有効でも、10人に1人は感染し、感染力が強いと、その1人が他の人にドカッとうつしていくし、ワクチンうっていない人は感染しやすいから、 これまたドカッと感染し、また、感染させていく。当分、鎮まりそうもない。実際、サンフランシスコでは70パーワクチンうってもまだ感染拡大している。もっとも感染拡大してもワクチンが人口に浸透すれば、入院数は減っていくだろう、と。実際サンフランシスコの場合、3041人入院してワクチンうってたのは、16人に過ぎなかった、と。



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