


”Please don’t come close to me!” Who is threatening?



Kmele also uncovered important context lost in the public narrative, including:

A recording of Christian Cooper at a local community board meeting just days before his encounter with Amy Cooper. “It’s getting super ugly between birders and unleashed dog walkers,” he says. “I’ve been assaulted twice so far this spring, people actually putting their hands on me, which really surprises me, because I’m not a small guy.”



May 2020 testimony provided by Jerome Lockett, a black man who said Christian had “aggressively” threatened him in the park. Among the details: “when I saw that video, I thought, I cannot imagine if he approached her the same way how she may have genuinely been afraid for her life.” He continued, “If I wasn’t who I was, I would of [sic] called the police on that guy too.”

Aggressively   攻撃的に、積極的に


Christian Cooper was a birdwatcher with a history of aggressively confronting dog owners inCentral Park who walked their dogs without a leash.


Plaintiff, Christian Cooper approached Jerome Lockett aggressively, shouting: “YOU NEED TO LEASH YOUR DOG!!! THEY CAN’T BE OFF-LEASH IN HERE.”

 バードウォッチャーの黒人のお兄ちゃんは近づきながら、「 犬を繋がないとだめじゃないか、ここじゃつながないとだめなんだ」と攻撃的に叫んだ、と。ちなみにさっきの記事では、犬は公園では、ヒモにつないでおかないといけないことになっている。で、女性に対してしたように、犬を餌でおびき寄せて、「そっちがやりたいようにやるなら、こっちも好きにするよ。あんたはいやだと思うと思うけど・・」と言われたがこれは脅しだ、と。 


So why tell this story?

It’s not because Amy Cooper’s life was destroyed by this video, though that is a tragedy. Nor is telling this story an attempt to deny the existence of racism and its insidious legacy.


To tell this story is to address a different set of problems.

Among them: our collective intoxication with public shaming. Our willingness to dispense with due process when we think we “know” the truth in the absence of evidence. The media’s complicity in perpetuating public judgments, even when the facts directly contradict those judgments. The lack of proportion in the punishments meted out to perceived offenders. The absence of any avenue for redemption or reconciliation when a breach has been made. And the mercilessness shown to those at the center of these storms, often leaving them suicidal and broken. (Thankfully, Christian Cooper tried to rein in some excesses of the public reaction: “I don’t know if her life needed to be torn apart.” And I hope it’s clear that attacking him isn’t part of our purpose here.)




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