どんな本かとググったらウィキには、「安倍前首相が高市早苗氏を支持してネトウヨ熱狂」 https://t.co/eBSFUzlMpl
— H.S. Kim (@xcvbnm67890) September 6, 2021
ヒトラー礼賛本に推薦文を寄せた高市氏が首相になれば、ユダヤ人が影響力を持つ米英を敵に回すことになるが、右派はそこまで考えているんですかね? 尖閣に日米安保5条適用どころじゃなくなりますよ。 pic.twitter.com/uC1F9lUJtw
A spokesman for Takaichi’s office confirmed on Wednesday afternoon that the photo was of her, but said she had no recollection of the book or of promoting it. The spokesman added that neither does she remember meeting the book’s author, Yoshio Ogai, then a public relations official with the Tokyo chapter of the Liberal Democratic Party.
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