Who is Shamima Begum and how do you lose your UK citizenship? Published2 March 2021結構前に池内先生がISに参加した若者を「中二病」と表現していたが、まさに中二病の痛すぎる報いだなあ…… →
— dragoner@C99金曜東マ12a (@dragoner_JP) January 13, 2022
ISに参加の米出身女性、帰国認められず 米連邦最高裁が訴え却下 - BBCニュース
How do you lose your citizenship?In the UK, someone can have their citizenship stripped by the home secretary, for the following reasons:It is "for the public good" and would not make them statelessThe person obtained citizenship through fraudTheir actions could harm UK interests and they can claim citizenship elsewhere
Ms Begum was stripped of her citizenship for the public good reason.The UK has responsibilities under international law to avoid people being left stateless. But in February 2020, a tribunal ruled that removing Ms Begum's citizenship was lawful because she was "a citizen of Bangladesh by descent".But Bangladesh has said that is not the case and she would not be allowed into the country.
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