



  • Toko Abunaw Not good Japan, not good. The accused should be allowed to prove his innocence to the fullest. Persecuting with all tactics to achieve a confession cannot be seen as good.
  • Jean-Pierre Thiran ...seams quite sinister, cruel and unfair the Japanese Judiciary system...or to say, quite barbarian...if they don’t like you, you are doomed!...it’s not the way to act and doesn’t deserves anybody simpaty!...
  • Victor Mitri Even in worst regime systems in middle east, the law system assume you as innocent till the state prove without a doubt you guilty or they just kill you.

    The Japanese State admitted they don't have enough evidence and it will take them 3-5 years to pr
    ove it...

    Who will want to stay in prison for 5 years to be found not guilty at age of 65?

    Knowing that you are in foreign country and you don't speak the native language and your lawyer can't be with you during interrogation!!!



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