森法務大臣がゴーンさんに批判された日本の司法制度を擁護するOp-edをFTに掲載。日本の司法制度の是非を議論する能力はないが、少なくとも国際的に問題となり、批判されているイシューについて担当大臣が英語で発信するのは大変良い。 https://t.co/P5U2V0AQxn— Kazuto Suzuki (@KS_1013) 2020年1月21日
Moreover, in Japan, more protection is given to suspects in the granting of arrest warrants than in the legal systems of some other democracies. For an arrest to be made, the permission of a judge must be given, except in cases where a person is arrested in the act of committing a crime. Only significant cases with a high probability of being proved beyond reasonable doubt are subject to indictment by prosecutors, since becoming a party to a criminal trial imposes a burden on a suspect. Japan’s indictment rate of only 37 per cent reflects this. Reports in the international media have focused on the conviction rate of 99 per cent, but this is misleading. In Japan, just 37 per cent of accused suspects are indicted. In other words, 37 per cent is the number of cases in which the accused is ultimately convicted of committing a crime divided by the total number of cases, both those in which a suspect is indicted and those in which they are not
The Japanese way of Justice ーこれ高いから図書館で借りようと思ったんだけど、都立図書館にもないんだよねええ、和訳しか。
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