「ドイツ人は外国人嫌いだ。ナチだ」といって英国に移住。独ではタクシー運転手と喧嘩して3回放り出されたらしい。おもしろすぎるな、この人。 https://t.co/K4CfehTDQI— suzuky (@suzuky) 2020年1月22日
“Fascism is to think one ideology is higher than others and to try to purify that ideology by dismissing other types of thinking. That’s Nazism. And that Nazism perfectly exists in German daily life today.”
Then there is his own experience. He mentions the three times he has been thrown out of taxis. There was no overt racism, he says, but he was pretty sure what lay beneath it all.
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