
America Cannot Shore Up Asian Order Without knowing the conflicts between Allies


Rather than form a grand coalition focused on every issue, the United States should pursue bespoke or ad hoc bodies focused on individual problems, such as the D-10 proposed by the United Kingdom (the G-7 democracies plus Australia, India, and South Korea). These coalitions will be most urgent for questions of trade, technology, supply chains, and standards.


Other coalitions, though, might focus on military deterrence by expanding the so-called Quad currently composed of Australia, India, Japan, and the United States, infrastructure investment through cooperation with Japan and India, and human rights through the two-dozen states that criticized Beijing’s internment camps in Xinjiang and its assault on Hong Kong’s autonomy.


The purpose of these different coalitions—and this broader strategy—is to create balance in some cases, bolster consensus on important facets of the regional order in others, and send a message that there are risks to China’s present course. This task will be among the most challenging in the recent history of American statecraft.

なんてかなあ、アジア地域に存在する問題を丹念にみないで、欧州のレンズを通じて 大雑把にアジア戦略を組み立てていこう、という態度自体にアジア軽視が前提にされているように思うよねえ。てか、そんなことはないにせよ、アジアの特殊性、アジアの国々の葛藤を無視してアメリカ中心の視点で対中国戦略を組み立てようとすると失敗するんじゃないかああ。


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