



野党はこういう単純なメッセージをだしたほうがいい。 ポーランド人や日本人はアメリカ人より親米的なんか? 中国のせいにしている日本人を笑いのネタにしているようにも取れるが・・・

 町山智浩 reposted日本語がしゃべれる子供は大目にみるべき、というのが私見





 町山智浩 reposted




いろいろチェックははいるのかもしれないけど、これからはAIだな。 「女という快楽」図書館から借りてきたが、新装版じゃないので「まえがき」は読めなかった。

中上健次は現代作家の中では珍しくロマネスクな作家だと言われるが、その秘密は、彼が性を通じての救済と超越、という、このほとんど古典的な主題を保ちつづけているからだ。この主題は、古今東西の作品に、くり返し表われる。  この仕掛を解說するために、ヴィクター·ターナーの「周縁性を通じての救済のドラマ」という人類学的な解釈図式を援用してみよう(冨倉光雄訳『儀礼の過程』思索社、一九七六年)。・・・・ 仏教では、構造の中心にいた釈迦は無一物となって自らを辺境に追いやったし、後者の例であるキリスト 教では、イエスは私生児にして娼婦と税吏の友であった・・・もっとも低いものを通じての救済の主題は、神話的といってよいるのである。中上健次のケモノ性ヘの希求は、ケモノの正気から遠く離れてしまった私たちの時代を反映して、ほとんど形而上的な抽象性を帯びている。




 Turner_Victor_The_Ritual_Process Salvation 


 Jesters were "usually men of low class—sometimes on the Continent of Europe they were priests—who clearly moved out of their usual estate. . . . In a system where it was difficult for others to rebuke the head of a political unit, we might have here an institutionalized joker, operating at the highest point of the unit . . . a joker able to express feelings of outraged morality." Members of despised or outlawed ethnic and cultural groups play major roles in myths and popular tales as representatives or expressions of universal h u m a n values. Famous among these are the good Samaritan, the Jewish fiddler Rothschild in Chekhov's tale "Rothschild's Fiddle," Mark Twain's fugitive Negro slave J i m in Huckleberry Finn, and Dostoevsky's Sonya, the prostitute who redeems the would-be Nietzschean " s u p e r m a n " Raskolnikov, in Crime and Punishment.


 In closed or structured societies, it is the marginal or "inferior" person or the "outsider" who often comes to symbolize what David Hume has called " t h e sentiment for humanity," which in its turn relates to the model we have termed " communitas." 


 Perhaps, however, one important clue to their understanding is the distinction made earlier between the two modalities of social interrelatedness known as communitas and structure. Those who feel the burdens of office, who have by birth or achievement come to occupy control positions in structure, may well feel that rituals and religious beliefs that stress the stripping or dissolution of structural ties and obligations offer what many historical religions call "release." It may well be that such release is compensated for by ordeals, penances, and other hardships. But, nevertheless, such physical burdens may well be preferable to the mental burdens of giving and receiving commands and acting always in the masks of role and status. p200








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