
“Take up your cross and follow Me”


 kazukazu88 reposted たいへんだなあ。 

 Guardian-reading wokerati reposted ブックマークしておいた。


 ややウケ 眉毛と肝臓の関係やいかに?





さっきみたイカすダンスのカップルのときにかかっていた曲Rock Around The Clockの歌詞をみていたら

We’ll be right in seventh heaven



be in seventh heaven

to be extremely happy:

Seven heavens

From Wikipedia, 

In religious or mythological cosmology, the seven heavens refer to seven levels or divisions of the Heavens. 

Got questions

The phrase "in seventh heaven" means to experience great joy or contentment. The expression also implies that there are seven heavens to be had, which is a common teaching among several religions.


マタイによる福音書 16:24-25 JA1955

それからイエスは弟子たちに言われた、「だれでもわたしについてきたいと思うなら、自分を捨て、自分の十字架を負うて、わたしに従ってきなさい。 自分の命を救おうと思う者はそれを失い、わたしのために自分の命を失う者は、それを見いだすであろう。


What did Jesus mean when He said, “Take up your cross and follow Me”?

When a person carried a cross in Jesus’ day, no one thought of it as a persistent annoyance or symbolic burden. To a person in the first century, the cross meant one thing and one thing only: death by crucifixion. To carry a cross was to face the most painful and humiliating means of death human beings could develop.

Two thousand years later, Christians view the cross as a cherished symbol of atonement, forgiveness, grace, and love. But in Jesus’ day the cross represented a torturous death. The Romans forced convicted criminals to carry their own crosses to the place of crucifixion (see John 19:17). Bearing a cross meant one was about to die, and that one would face ridicule and disgrace along the way.

Therefore, Jesus’ command to “take up your cross and follow Me” is a call to self-abasement and self-sacrifice. One must be willing to die in order to follow Jesus. Dying to self is an absolute surrender to God.


 Memento Mori だよなあ。

  「私のイエス」 p175のなかにでてくる神父ーーーナチの収容所で脱走兵の身代わりに苦しい死を選んだーーーイエスと同じ道を選んだわけだね。

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