この件もなあ、やめとけ!って散々、言ってて、一時期はJR東日本設計と会おうか、ってとこまで行ったんだがな。 https://t.co/LcuoEaCgzC
— 建築エコノミスト森山高至「土建国防論」執筆中 (@mori_arch_econo) November 19, 2023
日本のクルド人ヘイターによれば、シリアのクルド人は爆撃して、トルコのクルド人は手厚く保護しているのけ?トルコは10月上旬に北シリアのクルドの学校や病院、発電施設を爆撃しまくったばかりなのに、エルドアンのこの厚顔無恥っぷり。 https://t.co/6d3pgKALDV https://t.co/BJblzDvRK3
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) November 18, 2023
— ettingermentum (@ettingermentum) November 18, 2023
The woman pictured is Christina Olson, neighbor of the painter in Maine, who became disabled by polio. Instead of using a wheelchair, Christina preferred to crawl in the grass. The artist found the scene so poetic and so strong the will of the woman, that he wanted to paint it in this way to "do justice to the extraordinary conquest of a life that for many would be desolate."アンドリュー・ワイエス
— 山崎 雅弘 (@mas__yamazaki) November 18, 2023
「anarcho」は、英語で「無政府主義」を意味する「anarchism」や「無政府主義者」を意味する「anarchist」の接頭辞ですmilei, the self declared anarcho-capitalist, has won as president of argentina
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) November 19, 2023
economic collapse coming imminently pic.twitter.com/blJ2NFaCpw
anarcho-capitalism, political philosophy and political-economic theory that advocates the voluntary exchange of goods and services in a society broadly regulated by the market rather than by the state. Anarcho-capitalism is rooted in classical liberalism, individualist anarchism (i.e., anarchism that prioritizes individual liberty rather than freely formed associations of individuals), and the 19th-century Austrian school of economics, whose 20th-century adherents included the influential libertarian economists Ludwig von Mises and F.A. Hayek. Anarcho-capitalism challenges other forms of anarchism by supporting private property and private institutions with significant economic power
Anarcho-capitalism (colloquially: ancap or an-cap) is an anti-statist,[3] libertarian[4] political philosophy and economic theory that seeks to abolish centralized states in favor of stateless societies with systems of private property enforced by private agencies, the non-aggression principle, free markets and self-ownership, which extends the concept to include control of private property as part of the self.Anarcho-capitalism is distinguished from minarchism, which advocates a night-watchman state limited to protecting individuals from aggression and enforcing private property.[27] Unlike most anarchists, anarcho-capitalists support private property and private institutions.[3]
As a practical matter, given our current predicament, we might argue that the distinction between these variants of libertarianism—anarchism and minarchism—hardly matters. Indeed, it may never have mattered very much in the first place, for as we have seen, the differences between the proposed systems of anarchists and of minarchists often boil down to quibbling about words and definitions rather than real, substantive disagreements on principle.
「マジソン郡」に感動する女性ってのは多いよなあ・・・不倫ものは人気あるよなああ・・・願望なんだろうなああ。@ytv_kugizuke 毎週日曜ひる11時40分〜放送 #クギズケ#上沼恵美子#高田純次 ♬ オリジナル楽曲 - 上沼・高田のクギズケ!
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♬ original sound - #れいわ新選組支持
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