till Zionism came about Jews flourished 00:39 as as distinctly religious Jewish communities and they weren't massacred on the contrary they went to these Arab and Muslim lands to escape persecution uh from the Crusades from the Inquisition and from many other trials and tribulations and the um and even World War II uh the Arab and Muslim lands opened their hearts opened their lands and uh provided a safe haven and a gracious Hospitality for the Jewish people again clearly they we we have different religion um and yet uh we were we were accepted in these Muslim and 01:14 arbl we believe in one God and we were accepted we have different ways of serving God and but yet as I we were respected and even the Muslim religion requires of that of the uh the Muslim people to to Pro provide protection and hospitality and they did uh carry that out that's clear nobody could refute this fact
Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine,
one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion.
In the early 19th century interest in a return of the Jews to Palestine was kept alive mostly by Christian millenarians.
キリスト教徒の千年主義者はユダヤ人がパレスチナに帰還することを支持していたわけだね。Most Jews, however, reject the view propagated by some very Orthodox Jews in Israel that the Jews outside Israel were living in “exile” and could live a full life only in Israel.
Orthodox がMostではないんだね。というか、さっきのユダヤ人ラビによれば、シオニズムのほうが異端なわけだね。
今 グローバルで経済の状況を見ると先進国が どうやらこの景気減速局面に色々な国が やっぱ入ってきてるんですよねそその日本 から見た時にやっぱ輸出がこれから伸び るっていう環境はちょっとなかなか難しい と思うんですよだから今まで以上にやっぱ内需を強くしなきゃいけないって考える
受給ギャップが なくなってやっとプラスに出たと言ってた んだけどこれ七の数字を見るとまた マイナスに逆戻りですかね そうですね 若干 マイナスになってくるのでおそらくその 受給ギャップがマイナスになったのでもっと 経済対策をやらなきゃいけないっていう 議論が多分高まるでしょう
軽減税率を下げるか じかにに給付するかって求める声の方が明らかに11:51 大きいですよね
軽減税率ね8を例えば5に するとかね そういうのも効果があるかも しれないけどあんまりこの辺はもう頭から ね岸田さん否定してまし うんうん でまあの 議論としてそういうのをこれから導入す べきだとかてやらないといけないと思うん ですけど ただもう現実問題多分できないの で もう今からじゃあもうやってもすぐには できない
「無頭」といえばバタイユ・・・・とおもったら、徳川の平和を維持した「無頭の合議体」 ― 池田信夫blog https://t.co/15VcmUlx2J
— 池田信夫 (@ikedanob) November 18, 2023
「アセファル(無頭のこという名称が意味するところは多義的だが、おそらくその一つは「頭部がない」こと、至高な王、君主、首長、主導者、指揮官などけっして頭部に戴くことのない共同体ということだ。つまり〈至高であるかのごとく見せかける審級〉は、あらゆろ人間に共通する真理・尺度が存在してい ると信じさせるので、人々に「われわれみなが一致する、一体となる」と思わせる。それゆえ、どうしても共約しえない次元を含む〈異質的な部分〉を、(暗黙のうちに共通の理想・基準に合わせてへ無理やりにも〈共約可能なもの〉.、〈同質性〉へと還元し、収斂させる。、そんな「擬い物の至高な審級」をけっして前提にしない共同体として構想されたのだろう。「バタイユ」(湯浅博雄)p25有料記事なので全部読めないが、池田氏はどういう意味で使っているのかな?
— 月清 (@tsukikiyora) November 18, 2023
そんな感じでしたよ。 https://t.co/MteHYFFHoy
Do you believe in Jesus?
You're going to meet him.
when we want to do something cruel we go with the little accent and we make a little nazi immediately and that was the problem i had German accent equals cruel
that's what you're saying exactly i know it's a stereotype.
that sounds like the teacher on charlie brown
- Associated Press (AP) journalist Emily Wilder was fired following a right-wing smear campaign targeting her pro-Palestinian activism during her time at Stanford University.
- Emily Wilder, a Jewish journalist, was part of Students for Justice and Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace at Stanford.
- The Stanford College Republicans initiated the campaign, which gained traction in right-wing media and involved politicians like Senator Tom Cotton.
- The AP cited a violation of its social media policy as the reason for Wilder's termination, but no specific policy or tweet was provided.
- Over 100 AP employees expressed support for Wilder, questioning the company's handling of her firing, while journalists and media organizations called for a review of social media policies.
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