
Children " are crushed in their homes, they're losing their limbs, they're undergoing surgery without anestheics."


「ハマスは2カ国共存には興味がない」 「ガザの話ではなく西岸地区の話をしているんです」 「いまは平和のときではない、戦争!」
ーーー 2カ国共存に興味がないのはイスラエルだろうね。


Bring them home 人質をうちに返せ!と NY

これは大きいね。 Spica reposted JSF reposted トンネルじゃなくて標準的な燃料貯蔵庫だ、と。

It's amazing to me that the world's largest superpower is chaining its foreign policy -- not just in Middle East but also the world given the reaction of the Global South -- to this small-time crook and his government of fanatics.


元IDF兵士 政府はパレスチナ市民を守るためのやるべきことをやっていない、と。


元IDF兵士 イスラエル軍はガザを弾圧している、と。



We are talking about 4000 children who are dead and I f I may by very clera,those are the most pleasent deaths that these children could have died.They are crushed in their homes, they're losing their limbs, they're undergoing surgery without anestheics. What we are witnessing is horrifying.



主要のメディアの描写もイスラエル=善 という単純な図式から脱皮してきており、もしかするともしかして風向きが変わるかも?

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