on September 12th an Israeli Knesset party approved a plan to annex all of the occupied territories that would erase Palestine completely if they're going to Rockets we're gonna throw one big one and done I don't think there's any answer to it there's 06:08 only one way to like I would carpet bomb there it's known it's the only way you could deal with it like or try to stop them a different way it never worked you mean all Arabs in Gaza? I believe that they like I hope to believe them they're not but I do think they are because I never I don't I don't trust them
Despite some International criticism Israel has never faced serious calls to end its Siege on Gaza in 2018 tens of thousands of gazin tried to break the siege by marching non-violently onto the boundary fronts with Israel every Friday for almost 2 years they were met with gunfire for weeks Israeli soldiers shot at those attempted to get close resulting in hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries including Medics and journalists even before Hamas took control of Gaza Israel had subjected the 04:16 territory to a closure since the 1990s this meant that Palestinians could rarely enter or exit Gaza unless they had a rare Israeli permit this policy is part of a larger Israeli military occupation of Gaza and the West Bank that's now now lasted more than half a century multiple human rights groups around the world have found that Israel actually runs a system of apartheid with separate laws for Israelis and Palestinians ultimately this means that Israel is a state that based on ethnicity denies citizenship and rights 04:46 to the millions of people over which it rules I.E the Palestinians under international law Israel's occupation which is now in its 56th year is illegal and apartheid is a crime against humanity meanwhile the occupied West Bank is ruled by hamas's political rival the Palestinian Authority which rejects confrontation with Israel hoping to end the occupation through us-led peace talks but since those peace talks began 30 years ago Israel has only expanded its illegal settlements on Palestinian land and the occupation has become more 05:16 entrenched time and time again Palestinians have seen that negotiations, peaceful marches and other non-violent means of protests have not gotten them any closer to achieving freedom and rights in the meantime the overall situation for palestin Ians living under Israel's occupation
自衛戦争?BBCニュース - 「妹だ! 大事な妹だ!」 ガザの病院で喜び叫ぶ少女……しかしそのいとこはhttps://t.co/YdFFo0aSC2 pic.twitter.com/Rsdh08dfzW
— BBC News Japan (@bbcnewsjapan) November 1, 2023
EUのスポークスマンがヨルダン川西岸の入植者によるパレスチナ人への迫害を「テロリズム」という言葉を使って非難、イスラエル政府の介入を求めている。EUがイスラエルに対してsettler terrorismとか使い出すとは思わなかったw https://t.co/fTdxCTFFDL
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) November 1, 2023
戦争犯罪だな。this is a war crime.
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) November 1, 2023
period. pic.twitter.com/kHiqlIhwZv
ICC主任検察官がCNNの単独インタビュー。戦争犯罪の可能性の高いものはと聞かれ、▼意図的な市民の殺害や人質、▼人道支援の否定と回答。それ以外、一般市民向けの建設物への攻撃は、軍事目的に使われ無い限り保護されるもので、それには十分な調査が必要と。 https://t.co/8fVaT2ASjU
— 曽我太一 Taichi Soga@エルサレム (@soga_taichi) October 31, 2023
世界の動向も大事だが、とにかく、アメリカ市民がどうおもっているかだなーーでないとアメリカ政府も動かない。on tiktok: around 4x the views on “stand w/ palestine” videos than “stand w/ israel” pic.twitter.com/MJPdd0fD2k
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) October 31, 2023
arab americans about 5% of population in michigan (biden won by 2.8 in ‘20)
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) November 1, 2023
2% of population in pennsylvania (biden won by 1.2%)
アラブ系米国人のバイデン支持が激減しているとのこと。だが、問題は、米国の仕組みだと、民主党共和党両方ともイスラエル支持になるので、不満の行き先はない、ということだね。 https://t.co/LyW2Ht5JUD
— buvery (@buvery) November 1, 2023
問題を解決しなければ、名称は変わっても第2第3のハマスが出てくるって。ハマス幹部が何度でも今回のテロをやる、我々は全部正しいと言っているので、イスラエルとすれば、ハマスを壊滅させるか、人質解放、無条件降伏、武装解除しか、選択肢はないと思う。 https://t.co/1GqrL4FO8c
— buvery (@buvery) November 1, 2023
I think that the Israelis in a perfect world would like to ethnically cleanse Gaza they'd like to drive all the Palestinians out of Gaza and in fact I think they'd like to drive all the Palestinians out of the West Bankso what can you do to solve this problem and I believe lots of Israelis on the right especially think that ethnic cleansing is the way to go and I think there are a number of people12:46who are interested in slamming the Palestinians now and pushing them into Egypt uh that would be an ideal solution you get them out of Gaza and then you don't let them back in so I think think that is the best solution for lots of Israelis the
I don't think they can destroy Hamas and if they do destroy Hamas another group will pop up to replace Hamas that will be just as uh tough and just as committed to fighting against Israel
approximately 2500 of those 6,000 people that the Israelis have killed are uh children so this is beginning to look very bad for Israel and for the United States
we're now in a situation where it's almost impossible to imagine a two-state solution uh the occupation is so deeply entrenched at this point in time there's so many settlements uh on the West Bank that it's almost impossible to see how you're going to get a two-state solution so what you're going to have for the foreseeable future is you're going to have a greater Israel that is in effect25:42an apartheid state as we talked about before and the end result is the Palestinians are going to continue to resist uh you're going to have this problem pop up in three or four years seven or eight years it's not going to go away so
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