
維新 「公金ジャージャー」「大阪府民の身を切る改革」


町山智浩 reposted ペチャパイおっさん顔の女性は女湯にはいっていけない、と心では女性は思っているのか?


 町山智浩 reposted 町山智浩 reposted 子供をこんなに殺したらおかしいだろう? 

 kazukazu88 reposted IDFはテロリストじゃないのけ? ハマスとの違いがぼやけてくるんじゃ? ハマス側の工作とイスラエル側の工作・・・戦争は・・・あるいは、国際社会は・・・工作合戦 

 町山智浩 reposted ハマスもネタニエフ政権もどっちも退場してもらわないと平和はないな。 維新の「身を切る改革」って大阪府民の身を切る改革だったのけ? 

 町山智浩 reposted
これは橋下氏の発言が不整合 「公金チューチュー」の次の流行語は「公金ジャージャー」だな。  

 In the United States a review that compared 33 studies found there was no research that backed up the widely held conviction that the gender of parents matters for child well-being one u.s. 00:27 study showed teens from same-sex parents at homes had the same psychological outcomes as their peers raised by a mother and father and they performed better on one indicator connectedness at school the Australian Psychological Society has concluded that what really matters for kids is the quality of parenting not how many parents a child has or their gender or sexuality and a report by the Australian Institute of Family Studies found children in same-sex parented families do just as well emotionally socially and educationally

no conclusions can be drawn from the research about the well-being of children raised by same-sex parents so while two parents may be better than one fact-check could find no evidence that they have to be of opposite sexes

町山智浩 reposted 情けない・・・・出羽守が生まれる土壌はこんなところから・・・

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