
欧州委員会委員長 「われわれには安定的エネルギー源が必要であり、原発、そして移行期においては、天然ガスももちろん必要だ」、と。

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Opening remarks by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference with President Michel following the meeting of the European Council of 21-22 October 2021
And that leads me to the energy mix of the future. It is obvious that we need more renewable and clean energy. If you look at the production price of renewables, it has considerably decreased. For solar energy, it is ten times cheaper today than a decade ago. Wind energy is very volatile, but it is 50% cheaper than it was a decade ago. So that is the way to go. They are carbon-free and they are homegrown, so a lot of independence is in that. Alongside this, we need a stable source, nuclear; and during the transition, of course, natural gas. This is why – as we have already stated as a Commission in April – we will come forward with our taxonomy proposal.


 ドイツキリスト教民主同盟(CDU)所属。第13代欧州委員会委員長(2019年 -)。



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