
You are required by western propaganda to treat these as fundamentally different.

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 As Chomsky has acerbically noted, Russia’s territorial claims to Crimea and the eastern Ukraine, whether you approve of them or not, are more reasonable than the United States’ claim to Guantánamo Bay in Cuba, which is based entirely on military might and a doctrine of hemispheric hegemony.

 those who found themselves at the top of this pyramid were tempted to think that if they’re so strong and exceptional, then they know best. And that, in turn, they don’t need to consult the U.N., which, instead of automatically sanctioning and legalizing the necessary decision, is often simply in the way.” This was, of course, a swipe at the United States for invading Iraq in 2003 without the U.N.’s approval, though Putin seemed to forget the U.N. condemning his adventure in Ukraine.

Putin very clearly believes in the decidedly Anglo-Saxon idea of precedent: If America gets to invade Iraq or bomb Serbia, Russia can toss out certain international norms — another favorite term — provided he cites the American precedent as justification


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